Sunday, 14 April 2013

Demeter and Persephone

Persephone was Demeter's daughter. One day while Persephone was gathering flowers, Hades, the god       of the underworld, captured her. No one had any idea where she had gone neither did they know what had happend to her.

Demeter persephone's mother was sick with worry and grief. She asked Helios the sun god what had happened. When she learned that Hades had captured her daughter Persephone Demeter became very angry. For a year Demeter caused crops and plants to wither and die. A terrible famine gripped the earth.

The king of the gods Zeus commanded that Hades should release Persephone. Persephone was overjoyed that she would see her mother Demeter again. However Hades tricked Persephone into eating some pomegranate seeds before she left the underworld. Hades knew that if Persephone ate anything from the land of the dead, she would have to return to him for a part of each year.

Demeter was delighted that her daughter Persephone had returned to her. However every time Persephone had to return to Hades, Demeter mourned terribly again. This is why for a part of each year the plants and crops stop growing. When Persephone returns to earth, the land once again bursts with life.